Friday 2 December 2011

Predicting the weather

Hello everyone!

Today was a funny day. I was going to school and called a friend before I left the house. She tells me that it's raining so I decide to carry a rain coat, gumboot and a sweater. I regretted this decision because the weather was hot!! I have never been able to predict the weather and this is becomes a real problem for me. I at time wear light clothes for it to be so cold or I wear very warm clothes and then it's super hot. So I used my brains.

Instead of getting caught off guard wearing clothes that just aint working for the weather, wear clothes that suite any weather. I usually wear a top that is good for warm weather and carry a light weight sweater that can keep me warm if the weather changes and can fit in your bag. I also like to carry a leso with me at all times. In cold weather, you can wear it as a scarf or a shawl.

As for the shoes, I bought a pair of leopard print gumboot from Bata that I love. However, sometime it doesn't rain and I end up wearing them in the sun. But, there are shoes that I love even more then my gumboots, my old school sleakers!! :-) I love them. They are great in any weather. Now, if you're the type that loves to give your self a height boost, a good, comfortable pair of wedges is the best way to go. they won't get your feet wet (assuming the water level is low).

With these tips, your sure to look good no matter the weather. No sundresses in the rain. :-)

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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