Tuesday 29 November 2011

Song of the week

I know this has nothing to do with fashion...actually... :-) it does. Beyonce's style evolution. I'm just so bright!! Back to the point... I started exams yesterday and this is the song that has kept me going. The lyrics are so powerful. I hope you all enjoy it as much as me.

Saturday 19 November 2011


Hi people!!

It is the time again...exam time. This time round, I like the fact that I haven't pilled my work until the last minute and yet, I have a lot of work!! There is a unit where we are making half scale garments. The lecturer required us to do a two piece garment with a sleeve and a collar. I'm going to be doing an all white outfit. Hope I get an A!!!

Tuesday 8 November 2011


This past weekend was Safari 7s weekend!! I had a great time supporting Kenya, even though we didn't win the tournament. I'm still very proud of our 7's team. However, what caught my eye(and I believe the eye of every one else on Saturday) were some girls who do promotional work. They caught my eye because these girls were wearing bikinis!! Yes, bikinis at a rugby tournament. I do realize that they were being paid to promote a product(which I, up to now, have no idea what they were promoting), but I wonder, is it really worth it?

I know that everywhere in the world there are prominent people and celebrities who are paid to wear certain things like clothes, jewelry, shoes and even to drive certain cars, but where do you draw the line? Well, I think that the people paying those girls to dress in bikinis did get the attention of the crowd, but they forgot one thing, to promote the product. All we saw were girls in bikinis, but what were they trying to promote?